Wednesday, 5 June 2019

The Ritual For Making St. Cyprian Your Patron


Just recently I decided to make St. Cyprian Of Entioch one of my Patrons.

As I am a practioner of Necromancy and St. Cyprian Of Antioch just happens to be the Patron Saint of Necromancers, among other Occult arts. I thought his great wealth of knowledge on these subjects would be very beneficial to me.

So in this blog I am going to go through the full procedure of the ritual working I did in order to bring the Spirit of Cyprian Of Antioch into my house and life as my Patron.

This ritual procedure involves a nine day dedication for "Installation" of the Spirit of Cyprian. How this works is that by end end of these ritual practices. The essence/part of the Spirit/energy of Cyprian himself should be "Seated" with a object or statue that represents St. Cyprian Of Antioch.

This practice of "Seating" spirits and Deities in objects go's a long way back to many tribes of the African cultures and is still practiced today.

This is something that those of the religion of Christianity to not understand or try to understand for that matter due to their ignorance. This is mainly those of the Protestant denominations. They claim that people who have statues representing different Gods and Goddess and other spirits are worshipping idols. That there is only one true God, which just happens to be theirs of course. These Christian denominations just see a statue made of clay and thats all.

On that same note, there are many people today who go out and buy a statue of a religious figure. Then place it in their home expecting it to protect them from all misfortune, some even pray to these statues. In this case, they can be called idols, because all they are doing is praying to a piece of clay in the shape of a Deity, it is nothing more. Also, worse case scenario, if the statue has not been ritually  purified right it may in fact be bringing other peoples thought forms, energies and other unwanted spiritual attachments into your home. Even still if you are buying the stutue online from someone who practices the Magickal arts as I myself do. How do you know 100% that they have not prayed over the stature without your best intentions in mind? How do you really know that they have not added a spiritual attachment to your statue? You dont. If you don't know the practioner, how can you fully trust them? You can't.

Before I even start to work with a new statue in my house a full purification ritual is performed on it first. This way all energies or spirits that maybe attached or conected to the statue are fully removed. I'm not going to go into how I perform this ritual here and will save this for another blog. However, I can not stress enough, this has to be done first before this ritual practice i'm about to share here with you can be performed.

In fact, I will add that any new object I put on my altar or gift I give to the spirits and Deities I have a relationship with. I perform a purification/consecration ritual on it first. Unless it is an object that comes from the Earth itself or Animal bones and things like this. As it is the energies of these objects I wish to draw on in my spiritual practice.

If you do not perform a consecration/purification ritual on the objects/statues like I have metioned above first. It more than likely will interfere with the spiritual working you maybe doing.

So as you can now see, this first step is a big part of the process involved and a very important one.

Another thing that is importat when doing this spiritual working I'm going to share. Is to have all you need for the ritual prepared before hand. This also takes sometime to get together, do not rush it.

You will need things like St. Cyprian oil. I made my own St. Cyprian Oil on the instructions of the spirits I have a relationship with. I will go into more detail on this in a future blog on St. Cyprian Oil.

Other things you will need for this ritual work are :

Graveyard Dirt (This must be bought from the Dead at a grave in a special and respectful way. Do not attempt this without first finding out how to buy it the right way. There are different ways for different traditions. The way that sits right with you out of these traditions, you should use. To NOT under any circumstances just walk into a cemetery and take dirt and then walk out again. Unless you want all manner of trouble, bad luck and illness in your life. I will do a blog in the future on buying graveyard dirt).

Seven Gold Coins

Seven Acorns

Seven Nails

A Dagger/Knife

Purple Candle

Seven Gold or White Candles

Red & Black Beads (9×9 Red Beads plus 9×9 Red Beads) The beads should be made and purified/consecrated before hand in a separate ritual ready to go for this working. If you are unable to make the beads of yet. Buy a reel of Black and a reel of Red Ribbon or Cord.

A Ceramic Pot or Cauldron (I myself prefer the ceramic pot due to its connection with the Earth and its energies. Not only this but the Dead are also connected with the earth. This is why in my tradition of practice, most shrines and spirit fetishes to do with the Dead or in honour of the Dead are at ground level. Because it is closer to the Earth, this is where the phrase "Raising The Dead" comes from. When certain Spirits of the Dead are Invoked or called upon, they rise up from inside the Earth.

Statue or Picture of St. Cyprian/St. Justina

Bay Leaves

Prayers to St. Cyprian (written out before hand)

Ritual Working and structure (written out before hand)

Glass Of Water


Black Beans

Red Wine

Incense Of Frankincense

Incense Of Myrrh

Ponto Riscado Of St. Cyprian (Quimbanda tradition)

Other things that can be given as gifts to St. Cyprian, is purple cloth, jewelry, herbs, rosaries.

This list of items is not complete and a lot of things are left out as it relates to the making of St. Cyprian Oil. Which is needed for this working to go ahead.

The procedure involves a nine day dedication for instilling the spirit of Cyprian Of Antioch in your effigy.

The working must be done at midnight (12am) every day for nine days in a row. Starting on a Saturday morning at the Waxing Moon. Making sure that the Full Moon is overseeing the completion of the work, the ninth day. So in other words, the ritual starts 9 mornings before the Full Moon on a Saturday morning.

Invocation To St. Cyprian:

White Lord of the Black Cross, I conjure you ! Come forth here and now and manifest yourself here in this sacred place that I have prepared for you.

By the sacred words of SATOR - ROTAS. By the rule of Tartarus (underworld). I charge and direct you to manifest your brilliance within this sacred place.

I have prepared for you offerings and libations ! Eat, drink deeply, for the Dead can be ravenous.

By the sacred rites of the Ghoul ! By the ancient covenants of the Dead ! You have now been called and conjured on this night and hour of Saturn !

Please move and appear Martyr Of Antioch !

Please move and appear St. Cyprian!

Please do not linger, magnificent mystery, make your Divine presence known to me, here and now thank you.

Prayer To St. Cyprian:

In the name of Cipriano and his Seven Candles !

On behalf of his Black Dog and his Seven Cold Coins !

In the name of Cipriano and his Silver Dagger !

In the name of Cipriano and his Holy Mountain!

In the name of the Tree Of The Zephyrs and the Great Oak !

I ask and may it be answered by the 7 Churches of Rome ! The 7 Lamps of Jerusalem! The 7 Golden Candles of Egypt!

So Mote It Be !

If there is anything within these words above you do not know what they are talking about? It will help a lot more if you do some of your own research on them and learn what they mean.

Now while reciting the next prayer anoint one foot lenghth of Red and one foot lenghth of Black ribbon with St. Cyprian Oil and tie them around the effigy of St. Cyprian with three knots in each. On the 9th morning there should be 9 Red Ribbons and 9 Black Ribbons anointed with St. Cyprian Oil around the effigy, each with 3 knots in them.

The St. Cyprian Prayer (to be used for the anointing of the ribbons) :

Salvé most Holy St. Cyprian!

I beseech you as my Patron

May you work upon me and keep me steady

May you lend me your powers

As I take you as my teacher, tutor and Tatá

As you close up the minds and mouth of my enemies

Make my inner eye double in vision

As my adversaries will be doubly blind

Great one ! Blessed one !

Most Holy St. Cyprian !

I beseech you as my Patron

I ask and pray that you please heed my call thanks

So mote it be !

On the 9th night make sure that the effigy or picture of St. Cyprian Of Antioch has the rays of the Full Moon shining on it. With prayers baptize the effigy in St. Cyprian Oil and Red Wine all over. Then place leaves of Bay Laurel and Acacia between the ribbons rapped around the St. Cyprian effigy/picture.

Watch over the coming weeks for animal parts that may come your way. Go for walks which may allow this to take place. If this happens they should be placed in a Black Cloth and tied to your St. Cyprian effigy with Black Cord. This is a type of Mojo Bag offering to St. Cyprian, anoint the bag with St. Cyprian Oil. These things, along with other gifts and offerings as inspired can be added to your St. Cyprian altar/sacred space and effigy/picture over time. As your relationship with the spirit of St. Cyprian develops some more.

All the liberations should be topped up and the food offerings changed with fresh food every Saturday morning around 12am. If the food is going off or smelly change it sooner.

While doing the 9 Saturday (Saturn Day) mornings of the St. Cyprian installment. If you happen to miss one morning for what ever reason. You will have to start the 9 day morning rituals all over again, 9 mornings before the next Full Moon.

The Graveyard dirt, 7 Gold Coins, 7 Acorns, 7 Nails, Dagger/Knife go in the ceramic pot with your St. Cyprian effigy.

You will need enough bought graveyard dirt to fill almost half of the ceramic pot.

The Golden Candles can be lit in the ceramic pot or around it. The Purple Candle is lit in the sacred place set aside for St. Cyprian. All these candles I anoint first with St. Cyprian Oil.

The Ponto Riscado Of St. Cyprian can be painted on the side of the ceramic pot or placed underneath it. You can also make a Taliman of the Ponto Riscado to use when reciting the invocation of St. Cyprian. However, the Talisman will have to be dedicated, cleansed, charged and activated in the proper way before hand.

Also featured on my ceramic pot, which can't be seen in the photos. Is a Skull and Crossbones and a Cross Of Galgotha in the Russian Orthodox tradition painted on it.

As I say, there is more to this ritual working that I will share in another blog relating to St. Cyprian Oil.

Thanks for reading and showing an interest in this blog. Any questions please feel free to ask me thanks.

Refrences :

The 9 Day Prayer & some of the information relating to the 9 Day Ritual & ingredients. Is taken from the book : Exu & The Quimbada Of Night & Fire by Nicholaj De Mattos Frisvold, Scarlet Imprint 2012.

Link :

The Invocation To St. Cyprian is taken from a book I have called The Gospel Of The Gouls by Baron & Baronessa Araignee.


My photos of St. Cyprian Of Antioch Effigy at different stages of the 9 Days ritual. Like any Deity you wish to have as your Patron, there is always a vigil held for so many days. By the end of the vigil the person should know if that Deity wishes to be your Patron or not. St. Cyprian gave me a very clear indication on this.

Picture of the Exu - San Cipriano, Ponto Riscado :

Pictures of my St. Cyprian effigy now :  

Copyright 2019 Orion Silverstar 191 (except where mentioned).

Sunday, 5 May 2019

The Pact With Our Lady Of The Shadows


(Please read through this whole blog and ritual carefully before performing it. Make sure you have everything you need before starting the ritual).

Firstly, a pact is not something to be taken lightly. The ritual is very powerful and should be taken in all seriousness.

A ritual of this kind is not for the occult dabbler.

You need to think very hard before considering to perform this ritual and make a pact with La Dama Poderosa.

This pact is a type of contract between you and La Dama Poderosa. It is the next step from that of a commitment or dedication ritual.

It is wise to wait until La Dama Poderosa picks you. All I can say on this matter is that you will know if that has taken place.

If La Dama Poderosa has picked you as her own, then first you need to do a dedication ritual unto the all powerful lady. You should then wait quite sometime before going on with this pact. How long? Once again you will know, as she will tell you.

If you are in some doubt as to if you should go ahead with this ritual. Then this maybe a clear indication that you shouldn't.

If you have not heard of the term "Godslave" in occult circles? Well this is a strong possibility. It means that once you have made tbis pact with La Dama Poderosa. She rightfully owns you and this means that she can do with your life, body, mind what she sees fit to do.

Make no mistake, although La Santisima Meurte is called a Saint. A Saint is a human that performed miracles here on Earth and after death was allevated to a Divinity by the Roman Catholic church.

La Dama Poderosa was never a human being here on this Earth. She has always been and always will be the spirit of death itself.

La Dama Poderosa is a very, very powerful ancient Goddess. Because of her Divinity, La Dama Poderosa knows best, over you. If she so wishes to, what may seem to you like turning your life upside down...well she will. She may take everything away from you, tbat you hold dear and close to your heart. As she may feel that you are on the wrong path. The path that she has planned for you, may not be the path you think you want. You know, like the Tower in the Tarot.

La Dama Poderosa may wish to "Ride" you. Meaning that she may wish to possess you partly or full possession at random or talk through you? Then when you come back to consciousness. You may have no knowledge of what happened, leaving other people to tell you, if with others? This may cause you to do things that you may not normally do if you were in your own mind. For example, if you are a Male and La Dama Poderosa comes down into you. You most certainly will take on her personality. Which will be that of a lady in a mans body. You may even start to wear makeup and ladies clothing. Such is her influence on you and around you.

I tell you these things in this much detail because I dont think websites on La Santisima Meurte explain all this when posting rituals such as this. Sure, they may give a warning to some description, but not go into much details as to why?

Someone that becomes possessed by Deities is called a "Horse" in my tradition. When the Gods are called into a "Horse" to "Ride" it's called "Horsing". This used to be common practice in ancient times with Witches and Shamans alike. It was considered a very possitive thing and honoured thing, to have the Gods use your body to communicate with others in this way. However, these days with modern "Wicca" and Neo-Paganism. Sadly it does not take place, Wicca being more a religion than anything else.

Do not perform this ritual in a house where small children are present all the time. You must do this ritual completely alone, just you and The Lady Of Shadows.

You need to be fully devoted to La Santisima Meurte to perform this ritual. If not it most likely will have a bad outcome on you. Something to remember is that La Santisima Meurte can be very jealous of that which she owns at times and that will mean you also.

Here is the things you will meed for the pact ritual to La Dama Poderosa :

One cloth, dedicated to the aspect of La Dama Poderosa you wish to make the pact with. In my case it is La Señora Negra, so my cloth will be black. The cloth should be large enough to fit all the offerings to La Dama Poderosa, the incense holder and ash tray within a triangle.

Three pillar candles, one White (Bone), one Black and one Red.

Torilla Ashes

Incense of Myrrh, Dragons Blood and I also use what is called Black Magick incense. This is due to the La Señora Nina Negra aspect of La Dama Poderosa who is one of my Patron Deities. Some people use Sandalwood, Frankincense or Copal. (Later on in walking this crooked path La Dama Poderosa, Nina Negra, will tell you what she likes from you.

A Cigar

A glass of Tequila or Rum (full strength)

A dozen Red roses

A bottle of Santisima Meurte Oil, to anoint the candles with before hand.

Robes or clothes in the colour of the aspect of Santa Meurte you wish to make your Patron Deity. For me it is the Black Hooded Robe.

The ritual :

The ritial should only be done on the 9th day of each month, every month for one year. It is even more powerful if you start the ritual in September, the 9th month of the year.

The ritual should take place at 9:00pm at night and run right through till 3am in the morning.

On this day you should not eat red meat, take alcohol or have any sexual activity.

Take a ritual bath before hand and all the while pray unto La Dama Poderosa from the heart.

On your altar dedicated to La Dama Poderosa, only place the cloth after anointing it in each corner with Santisima Meurte Oil.

In the middle of the cloth put the incense burner dedicated to La Dama Poderosa only, with incense. First tell La Dama Poderosa that you are offering the incense to her and that you hope that she excepts it and finds it pleasing.

Light the incense.

Then take the black candle and place it at the top left of the cloth. Then the white candle at the top right of the cloth and finally, the red candle velow them on the cloth. This forms an inverted triangle, that also represents the element of Fire.

You may also like to make a Sigil for La Dama Poderosa. Drawn in your own blood, this links you with the spirit of La Dama Poderosa.

I will leave Sigil making, how to charge, consecrate and dedicate them the way I do for another blog.

I will say that a good way to do this is by using the Magick Square of Saturn. The numbers of the Magick Square of Saturn go upto the number 9, La Dama Poderosa's sacred number. Saturn is also associated with Necromancy and the dead, as is La Santisima Meurte.

In another blog i'm yet to do called "Who Is Azazel pt. 2" I will talk a bit more on the Magick Square of Saturn. It's true origin that is rarely mentioned by Western occultists and other things relating to this. Azazel is still helping me with part 2 at this point in time. If you have not read my last blog in the Azazel series, part 1, please do thanks.

This is also why one of La Dama Poderosa's sacred days is Saturday (Saturn Day). This is why a lot of my Magickal practice is connected to the Saturnian current and Saturnian Magick.

Once your La Dama Poderosa Sigil is consecrated, charged and dedicated in that order. It is then ready to be placed on the cloth under the dedicated incense holder within the middle of the cloth.

Now pray the prayer to La Santisima Meurte as you light each candle starting with the black candle on the left and moving in an anticlockwise direction, finishing with tbe white candle. Wait 9 minutes between lighting each candle. During the 9 minutes, this should be taken up with prayer and contemplation of the working at hand.

Then move the black candle slightly aside and white your name, with your left index finger on the cloth in Tortilla Ashes. Then place the burning black candle back on top of your name you have just written. Then wait another 9 minutes and do the same with tbe Red candle and the same again with the white candle. Each time praying the same prayer over each candle. You can also engrave symbols that relate to you on the candles before hand if you wish? Example : Zodiac Sign, Planetary Ruler and more.

Then lift the left side of the cloth and write your name under it in the same way and while saying the prayer. Then cover it back over making sure what was written is not visible.

In completion leave La Dama Poderosa some offerings and gifts of Rum or Tequila in a small glass. Also place some of the alcohol in your mouth and swirl it around, then spray it from your mouth into the careful not to spit.

Some books say that if you do not drink or smoke, you should not offer La Dama Poderosa alcohol or Cigars. Because would you encourage a friend to drink or smoke, if they do not? In my own opinion it does not matter if you do not drink or smoke. It is all about what La Santisima Meurte likes, not you. By doing this you would only be putting your own moral judgements into it, which is not right.

Next light the Cigar and smoke some of it, blowing the smoke into the triangle 9 times. Then replace the remaining Cigar in the triangle with the rest of the offerings to burn down. If you can't have Cigar smoke buring in the house, do the ritual outside.

This is why your cloth needs to be large enough to hold the Sigil, incense and offerings within it.

Then place the dozen Red roses within the triangle.

You may also wish to leave some food, fruit and candies for La Santisima Meurte? Which is a good idea.

Remember, you will be doing this ritual on the 9th of every month for a full year. So it is wise to make sure that you always have the things you need for her offerings on hand ready, that they do not run short. Once you start giving something to La Dama Poderosa as an offering in this ritual. It is very wise to keep giving her the same offerings for the full year. Also, if you miss a month, then you will have to start again from the beginning., as if it was the first month. If you miss the 9th day of the month? Do the ritual on the following 18th day. You may get away with doing this a few times however, do not do this often. It is important to try and stick to the 9th of each month.

Once all this is done, thank La Santisima Meurte for her help and what ever you would like to say to her in your own words. Once this ritual has been completed, you can be sure that she will walk with you and protect you with her legions of the dead and other spirits, when you call upon her. La Dama Poderosa will then be your Patron Deity.

The Prayer To La Señora, Nina Negra (Qalmana) :

I .......................come before thee La Señora Negra. Our Lady Of The Shadows and make a pact with you. I kneel at thy feet as thy servant unto you Great and Mighty Lady. I .........................give of myself unto thee and put no other before thee. La Dama Poderosa, please make your strength and power known to me. May I also feel thy presence around me, as you walk with me. Come to my aid Great Spirit Mother my Lady, my Goddess in times of need. Open doors that have closed on me and show me the right path to take. La Santisima Meurte, you stand at the crossroads between the living and the dead. If I so wish to call upon the dead for their service, they may come in numbers through your name. La Niña Negra, I stand at your door and knock, that you may open it and grant me entry into your kingdom. That you may make me feel most welcome. As I come to you with a true heart and full dedication in all seriousness. La Señora Negra, may your wonderful  blessings and miracles come down upon me in many ways. La Señora Negra, you are the Gatekeeper of the underworld. Ruler of the cemeteries. Protect me under your black cloak of steel from harms way and that it may return to where it was sent. La Niña Negra, there is nothing you cannot do, as everything is within your power, even the Mighty Dead, and the Shades, respond to your name. I have nothing that is not yours, I invite you into my home and my life.

I open up my Heart to La Señora De Las Sombras!!!

I open up my Soul to La Señora De Las Sombras!!!

I open up my Body to La Señora De Las Sombras!!!

I open up my Mind to La Señora De Las Sombras!!!

La Señora Negra, this pact with thee. From this day on you are my Patron Lady Of The Shadows. I promise to honour my part in the pact and never break it, lest I be struck down with bad luck on doing so.

La Señora Negra, I........................promise to be faithful and devoted to three always. From now on until you come and claim my Soul and take me to the afterlife.

So it is written, so it shall be done!!!!

Avè La Santisima Meurte!!!!

Avè La Santisima Meurte!!!!

Avè La Santisima Meurte!!!!

Avè La Santisima Meurte!!!!

Avè La Santisima Meurte!!!!

Avè La Santisima Meurte!!!!

Avè La Santisima Meurte!!!!

Avè La Santisima Meurte!!!!

Avè La Santisima Meurte!!!!

To thee, I give of my full self and await your response and kindness.

Salve, Salve Qalmana !!!!!

So mote it be !!!

After doing this ritual you should clearly feel La Señora Negra's presence come upon you, if done right?

When I feel the presence of La Dama Poderosa, she comes from my left side as ice cold air. Even if the room is at a different temperature, you will feel the change. If you do not feel anything after this working, then ether something has gone wrong or you are not aware of her energies yet? They should start to grow stronger around you each time you do this working. Ask La Señora Negra to make you more sensitive to her presence and energies.

You can also do a Divination with Shells, Tarot, Bones or other means if you feel something's not right.

I constructed this pact to be incorporated into Necromancy and for the La Señora Negra vibration of La Santisima Meurte. In order to use this pact for a different aspect of La Santisima Meurte you will have to make some modifications. One example would be, if you are doing  the pact for Niña Blanca. You may wish to light the candles starting with the white one and going in a clockwise direction?

"Negra" is not a racist word in this context as La Señora Negra has no skin. This aspect of La Dama Poderosa is in relation to her cloak which is symbolic for her energies.

Any questions please feel free to ask me.

In my practice it is important to make a legitimate pact with a Deity/God/dess, before they will agree to be your Patron Deity.

(I hold no responsibility for anyrhing that happens to anyone who performs this ritual working. Do it at your own risk).

Copyright - Orion Silverstar 191 - 2019.

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Who Is Azazel? This Will Change Everything - Pt. 1


Some months ago I wrote a blog in regards to new knowledge Azazel gave me about the connection of his name and the name Baphomet.

For the last few months Azazel and other Entities under his authority, when he could not be present have shared with me information about who Azazel is, his origin and other teachings. They have also helped me to do some deep research on this very subject.

I know, some people may think that I’m just going to touch on the same recycled information that many have written about, even those that claim to have direct contact with Azazel himself. This information I talk about, can be found in the Old Testament of the Bible and the “Book Of Enoch”. This is not what I will be sharing with you here.

This is also one of the ways I know if someone who says they are communicating with Azazel, really are doing so. If it shows in their writings that they are just drawing their information from these sources mentioned above, yet say that Azazel shared the information with them. A lot of  these writers mostly aim their writings at an audience that are very new to the Occult. However, those that have been practicing or researching the Occult for sometime, should at least know of the sources of this information. To know that it’s not coming as fresh information from Azazel to the person claiming it is.

Anyway, enough of that. I just thought I would add it here. As it was related to Azazel and in fact Azazel wanted me to mention it. Azazel does not want these people claiming to be in a relationship with him, along with the rest of us.

In my workings and communication with Azazel, he does not always come due to other commitments. Instead Azazel will sent to me one or two of the Entities under him.

This is another thing, I have seen YouTube videos by occultists, Magickans who claim they are always calling and working with Azazel. As if he has got nothing else to do in the whole wide world or universe for that matter. I find this very hard to believe, from my own experiences in working with Azazel.

One of the Entities Azazel has sent me instead gos by the name of Kézel. After Kézel came to me for the first time, I must admit, I was going through all the Angel names and Demon names of Demonology and Angelology I could read. I was even going through the names of the Watchers mentioned in the Book Of Enoch. I found a name of an Angel called kesil and this was the closest I was going to find. On doing a little more research online, I then found out that the God Orion in Hebrew was called Kesil.

By this time I was getting excited, could it be that I had quite by accident stumbled on the fact that the Angel Kesil and the God Orion were one and the same being. I then told myself "You know there is no such thing as accidents and everything happens for a reason".

Many years ago now I was given the name Orion as my Magickal name in a dream by some spiritual Entities. I was told to use the name Orion Silverstar in all my esoteric practices and I would have great power and abilities. I was told that this was the names they had chosen for me. I was also told many other things in relation to this name and who I was as a person, which I might save for another blog. However, one of the things the Entities in the dream made clear to me. Was that more meanings to this name would be come clear to me in the future.

Is this what the Entities in the dream were talking about? I wondered?

 I was now looking forward to talking with Kézel again about this matter.

The next time Kézel came to see me on invoking Azazel, I wasted no time in expressing my thoughts to him. To my shock and amazment Kézel told me that Kesil was in fact another pronounciation of the word Kézel. That Kézel/Kesil were both this Entities name. I then said to the Entity that their name as Kesil was the Hebrew name for Orion. I then asked Kézel if he in fact was the great God Orion, to which name I was told to take as my Magickal name in a dream some years ago?

If this was so, then this would be more evidence that ancient Gods and Goddesses were turned into Angels and Demons by the early Church Fathers. Or could it also be that what we think are Angels and Demons, are really Gods and Goddesses? My mind was going into overdrive with all this information, knowedge being revealed to me and the many thoughts it created. Not to mention the implications this would have. If Kézel/Kesil was in fact the ancient God Orion, why was he serving under Azazel? An Angel, a Watcher?

Where was this heading? I had to ask Kézel/Kesil more. I needed to know, I was hungry for more answers to my many questions.

On asking Kézel/Kesil if he was the mighty God Orion, his answer was a This did not make sense to me, why would Kesil be the Hebrew name for Orion then? I asked. Kézel/Kesil then told me that it was in error. That he Kézel worked under mighty Orion. That his name Kézel could be separated into to names to give the meaning of his name and the role/job he has.

 I thought to myself, just as the names of other Angels/Demons have a meaning and the meaning of their names is the roles they play. I learnt this knowedge years ago, that if I needed something done. To find out which Angel specialized in what? The meanings of their names reveal this.

So Kézel told me that the first part of his name Kéz means Hand and the second part of his name El means God. Then putting this together I have "Hand Of God". Kézel told me that he was the "Hand Of God"or rather, the "Hand Of Orion". Kézel/Kesil served under the God Orion.

 Yet here he was coming to me on behalf of Azazel? Kézel himself told me he served under Azazel. Can he serve under two higher spiritual beings? I asked Kézel this very question, as things were getting very interesting for me. This was new knowledge being revealed to me, which I was chosen to recieve.

Now here is what really left me in amazment and suprise at the sametime. Something that changes everything. Something that I would not have seen coming at the start of my communications with Kézel.

Azazel is Orion. Azazel's real name is Orion.

 He is not a "Demon" nor an Angel. But a Daemon (Divine being) the great and mighty God Orion. The constellation the Giza Pyramids of Egypt line up with. The constellation that Samyaza, one of the Watchers that was a leader with Azazel was said to hang upside down, in Jewish mythology/Astrology.

This was it, the conections were coming together now for me. This was some amazing revelations. I share them here with you the reader. The best was yet to come.

Then the next time I called on Azazel, it was Azazel that came. I explained all these things Kézel had been telling me and Azazel confirmed them with me to be true. Azazel said to me, are you ready for this knowedge i'm about to share with you? I said yes with great egerness to hear what he had to say.

Azazel told me, his true name, Orion means "Nephlia" in Aramaic and the Nephilim are his descendants. His name as Azazel, though sometimes means "The Goat God" also translates to "The Strength Of God" "The Strong God" "God Of Victory".

Now that I have shared these amazing revelations with you the reader. I will from now on be calling Azazel under the name of a God that he is "Orion".

All those years ago, this is why these Entities came to me in a dream and gave me the Magickal name "Orion Silverstar" and said they will give me great knowledge in the I would never have guessed.

I said to Orion, but are you not a hunter? He said that "there is a misunderstanding in the passing down of knowedge by word of mouth. I was the great teacher in those days, teaching humans how to hunt with weapons among other things".

"We are the "Apkallus" but the humans called us "Watchers" the meaning "One Who Watches" or "Those Who Watch" is not a good translation. I am not a guardian, but a God. We are not caretakers of your world, but teachers. The translation "Those Who Do Not Sleep" or better still "Those Who Are Awake" fits our description. It could be said that we are "The Illuminated Ones" or Enlightened Ones" "The Shinning Ones". Another name we have been called is "Grigori".

However, I was told that the word "Grigori" was an insult by the early Jewish scribes who demonized Orion (The Gaint God) and others that came to our world with him. I have also been told by Orion that the Old Testerment and even the Book Of Enoch accounts about these beings are not to be trusted. As they have both been written by ancient Jewish scripes set on Demonizing them.

I further learn't through my own reaserch that the only true Book Of Enoch was dictated to John Dee and Edward Kelly by the "Enochian Angels". So far only a small part of it has been translated. The Enochian Angels told John Dee, that once it is transated and activated. It will be so powerful as to bring about the apocalypse.

Some of the things Orion and other "Nephlia" instructed humans in was : Exorcism, Possession By Sprits Of The Dead And Deities,  Cutting Of Roots and Herbs, Healing Abilities Of Plants and Trees, Medicine, Omen and Dream Interpretation, Rituals, Invocation, Evocation, Magick, Astrology, Astronomy, Chanting/Vibrating Words Of Power, Dancing, Drumming, Carpendry, Stone Cutting, Goldsmith, Blacksmith, Spells, Sorcery, Signs Of The Stars - Clouds - Lightening - Sun - Moon - Seasons - The Elements In General, Art and Craft, Making Weapons - Swords - Knives - Shields - Armor, Taught Women About Jewelry, Dyeing Hair, Taught Men And Woman To Paint Their Face And Bodies. Body Peacing, Hunting, Building, The Earth Energies - Powers, The Spirit World, Divinations, Communication With Birds - Animals, The Constellations, Philosophy, Knowedge, How To Get Metals - Stones From The Earth.

You will notice in this list, that a few things are different than what comes from the early Jewish Scribe versions. For example, Woman did not enchant Men through makeup. This in fact was an attack on Women from other cultures and customs by the deeply religious Jewish Scribes. Even today, in places of the Middle East. If a Man sexually assaultes a Women, it's the Womens fault for enchanting him. As for the makeup itself, it was not like the cosmetics we have today. It was more to do with different tribes and Gods/Goddesses honoured.

Also as a side note of my own reaserch. The Entity Barbatos is considered a Hunter with a Bow and Arrow in the forest. In the Book Of St Cyprian, Barbatos is described as a Goat. In the Book Of St Cyprian, Lucifer calls him "The Goat Of The Art" and "Infernal Goat".

This concludes part 1 of "Who is Azazel? This will change everything".

If you found this writing interesting, please share this work with others and leave a comment thanks.

Look closely at my Magick Mirror in the "Triangle Of Manifestation" sitting on a Spirits Seal. Can you see the spirits face in my Magick Mirror?

Ref. The researched information on Barbatos was taken from a book I own called "The Testament Of Cyprian The Mage" by Jake Stratton-Kent. Scarlet Imprint Publications.

Copyright 2019 - Orion Silverstar 191. (except where mentioned).

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Sacred Tobacco


Most who work in the arts Magick will know how important and sacred plants and hearbs are. Also how these aspects of living nature should always be respected with the utter most respect.

I myself have always had a very deep connection with trees, plants and nature in general. I enjoy going for walks in a forest and nearly always feel the presence of spirits there. Not only this but I enjoy the peace and quietness that can be found there, to do meditative work.

Just recently the spirits I have been working with have inspired me to take a bigger interest in my garden and in gardening as well. Now I have a few plants that are coming along really nicely. Some of these plants I have a special bond with and talk to them often. I will be found often transfering my energies and thoughts into them to help them grow.

This is something that ancient indigenous cultures used to do and in some cases still do.

On doing this myself, I have found that it has really helped lift the spirits of the plant. I had a few plants that were starting to die, after going overseas. I came back to find them in this state. I spoke to the plants and told them how much I loved them. I then closed my eyes and focused and visualized my energies going from my heart Chakra, through my hands, into the plants. The first week nothing, so I said to the plants with so much emotion, as I would a friend that was passing away. Please just show me some sign of life and I will be happy. The next week I was so happy to see new growth on the plants. They still have a long way to go, but my time with these plants has definitely helped. I then took some offerings to draw nature spirits to the plants and set them in action to work with the plants some more.

One of the offerings I gave was strong alcohol, Rum. The reason this type of alcohol was given, is not because these spirits like alcohol to drink. But because of the heat from the alcohol. The reason we give offerings to spirits in the first place is due to the energies they feed off from it. When giving alcohol as an offering to spirits, it is called in my practice "Heating Up The Spirits". They take this heat from the alcohol and turn it into energy. This helps them go to work much more faster. In other words, it fires them up. If you want a spirit to take action a lot faster than normal, giving strong undiluted alcohol is a great way of doing this. This is just one of the secrets of Magickal practice.

As I say, all plants need to be respected and the spirits that are attached to them. Because every plant and tree has one or more spirits that belong to it. Like I said, I have the utter most respect for all plants. But I have a very special respect for native trees and plants in my country. This is not only because the plant itself is a living thing. But also because these plants and trees have native spirits connected to them. Also more often than not these native trees have indigenous spirits that owned the land I now walk on.

When it comes to sacred plants and especially herbs, the Tobacco plant is no different.

In many indigenous cultures Tobacco was held in the greatest regard and respect. These people were well aware of the Magickal properties and spirits connected with each of these plants. The customs of working with the Tobacco plant were often told by word of mouth from generation to generation. This was done in the the form of traditional rituals and ceremonies involving the Tobacco plant.

They also knew of the fate of those who abused the seacred Tobacco plant. Regardless of this, over time the teachings were ignored. Then corruption set in due to commercialization and addiction. This in turn brought about many diseases of the body. One of the main reasons for this corruption in the Americas was due to the Christian Church. Taking the next generation of young  indigenous children and putting them in strict Christian settings where native practices were forbidden. The Governments also brought in laws in connection with the Church to put a ban on their practices.

The Christian religions through the help of the Governments have done a lot of damage. Damage that in some cases can not be fixed. They have destroyed peoples ancient traditions, a lot being lost in the past, plus their culture, practices and heritage. This is largely to do ignorance in relation to the Churches teachings.

However, some tribes decided to continue with the teachings of plants and hearbs, and in this case Tobacco in secret. Sometimes they had to substitute normal cigarettes for traditional Tobacco for their ceremonies. Traditional Tobacco was pure and home grown Tobacco, without any cemicals added.

Some Tobacco used the indigenous peoples did not have any nicotine at all. Such plants as the dried leaves of the Bearberry tree were used. Along with the bark of the red and spotted Willow tree. These plants were not smoked at all in their ceremonies. When Tobacco was smoked it was not inhaled into the lungs.

Often tribes would place it on the ground or in a dish. Then burn it to send off their prayers to their Deities in the wind. Tribes would also place Tobacco on the ground to offer prayers to the spirit world for the dead. When traditional Tobacco was banned, tribes would start passing around Birch Bark to burn as a group on the ground to offer up prayers.

A lot of these practices, I also include in my own occult workings.

Dried Tobacco as a powder was also sprinkled on and around a car to make sure they were safe when travelling long distances. Presenting a gift of Tobacco was often practiced when a deal or contract was being made, to make the deal more binding.

Again this is something I also have done on making the pact with my now Patron Deities.

Often tribes would talk to the Tobacco plant and empower it with their thoughts and energies.

This is something that I metioned earlier in more detail, that I also practice.

Within my own occult practices, Tobacco is used in almost all rituals and ceremonies. I never use the manufactured cigarettes, when using Tobacco smoke blown from my mouth. However, I do use manufacured cigarettes, cigars and loose Tobacco as offerings.

I used to be a smoker, having smoked cigarettes for many years on and off. I still breath smoke of Tobacco into my mouth through a pipe, that I keep on my main Altar or on a string around my neck, plus some gigars. However, I do not let it pass down into my lungs.

After being a smoker before, is it possible to cross the line again? Yes.

But I have learnt to respect Tobacco as a sacret and spiritual plant and this helps me. I have great respect for the spirits that are around me and that I work with. I do not wish to suffer their diapproval, as I know the outcome of that. Also it comes down to having a strong will power that I have mastered through occult practice.

In my practice, Tobacco is very much connected to some of my Patron Deities. Two of which are San La Muerte / Qayin and La Santisima Meurte / Qalmana.

As I'm sure the name is different for each culture. One of the names for the Tobacco spirit in the Qayinite tradition of Witchcraft is called "Amiahzatan". The spirit of Tobacco can sometimes be seen showing his form within the smoke. Twisting and turning in the form of a serpent.

The spirit of Tobacco can be directed, focused, channeled, Evoked and Invoked through the smoke of Tobacco. Not only this but tinctures, infusions and oils connected to Tobacco can also bring about the above results.

The spirit of Tobacco has the authority over lesser spirits and also can aid in conjuring, calling, summoning the dead. In fact a pillar of Tobacco smoke can be used in order for the dead to rise up from beneath the ground into your presence.

This is something I use in conjunction with my outdoor shrine to the collective dead (see one of my other blogs in regards to this shrine) and the Gateway Of The Dead sigil and keys, with very good results.

In like fashion the spirits from the higher realms can come down the rising Tobacco smoke into your presence. Through working with the elemental spirits of Air and the Powers and Principalities of the Air. The spirit of Tobacco can allow other spirits that wish to show their forms, manifest.

I will testify to witnessing this taking place in my working many times. Though I have not called on the spirit of Tobacco to ask the spirits of the dead to show in this way for filming. I would have to say that it is highly possible and something I may experiment with in the not to distant future. However, you would have to get the permission of the spirit of Tobacco first to allow filming in this way.

I use Tobacco smoke as an offering to my Patron Deities. This may be done through lighting a cigarette or cigar and allowing it to burn down on their Altar. I sometimes may just leave a few full unlit cigarettes or cigars on their Altars. These practices I also do with those of the dead, including ancestors and relatives that have crossed over. There are times when i'm working with a Deity or the dead and they request it.

When you start to work with different spirits. You will start to realize that they have different requests, sometimes strange, when it comes to offerings.

With my Patron Deities, like for example San La Muerte and his bride. They also like a certian amount of Tobacco smoke blown over their effigies from my mouth. I do this through the use of a cigar or loose Tobacco in my pipe. I will blow the Tobacco smoke from my mouth ether 3, 7, 9 or 13 times. While saying the same amount of Salvés or Avés to them in between blows of Tobacco smoke.

Always at my outdoor collective dead shrine. I mention the indigenous Aboriginal spirits. As they are the ones that used to own the land I walk on. Which I have the greatest and highest respect for. If you are able to find out what tribe owned the land you are on helps. I did this so that I could use that name in their honour. Just to make the ceremony a little bit more personal and respectful to them. As it pays to be on good terms with the spirits that reside in and around your dwelling. So this is just another reason why Tobacco can be found on my outdoor shrine to the dead.

Another thing Tobacco smoke can be used for, is to cleanse you aura. However, I myself would rather use Eucalyptus incense or leaves from the Gumtree.

Tobacco smoke also helps with mediumship abilities and can be used in Séances.

Tobacco smoke, through the workings of San La Muerte. Can channel the fires of Mars to bring to action the shades of the dead. Also the coldness of Saturn to take life from the living.

I have used Tobacco smoke blown from my mouth to carry spells throught the wind in the direction of my intended target. Charging and empowering or putting my intent into Sigils or Talismans. Through sound vibration as the Tobacco smoke leaves my mouth to the object is also something I often use. As it helps very much with focus, to visualise the energy leaving my mouth through the Tobacco smoke into a Doll, Effigy,  Talisman,  Sigil and more.

Another thing Tobacco is used for, is dressing a candle. Also dressing cigars with moist Tobacco for Invocation and Evocation of the spirit of Tobacco.

Having said this, I thought I would finish up on a positive note.

The spirit Amiahzatan (the spirit of Tobacco) is an easly offended spirit. He mercilessly punishes those who desecrate his powers. Through the sacrilegious misuse of sacred Tobacco. He first and formost brings curses against the profane who disrespectfully abuse the leaves of Tobacco.

They are : weakness and lack of will power, addiction, often caused by cancer and other related lung and heart diseases.

Before you may not have been aware of this? However, now that the spirits have lead you to read this blog. You are now aware of this, which changes everything. So I ask you....what are you going to do about it if you are a smoker?


The Tobacco spirit "Amiahzatan" and related information. Comes from the book I own called "Liber Falxifer - The Book Of The Left Handed Reaper" by N.A.A 218.

Web link : Ixaxaar Publishing

Copyright : Orion Silverstar 191 - 2019 (Except where mentioned).

Thursday, 28 February 2019

The Boveda In More Detail


The other day I originally did this in video form for YouTube. The video was about 25 mins long explaining all about the Boveda in more detail. However, on uploading it, the video was taking forever. So in the end I decided to delete it all and to make it as a blog, which is what you see here.

The name Boveda is a latin name which means "Tomb" or Vault. It is a very sacred space where our ancestors, loved ones and spirit guides are honoured. The Boveda creates a portal, gateway between the worlds. Our ancestors use this to come through into our home to communicate with us and us with them.

Some of the ways this takes place is through the use of Divination, Meditation, just talking to them daily, going to sleep near the Boveda in order to receive dreams from them and more.

The Boveda or shrine to our ancestors, as I sometimes call it. Is one of the most important shines you could ever have. Before any other shrine or altar in the house, before any type of Magick or inviting Entites/spirits into your house is performed for what ever reason. A Boveda should be operational first and foremost in your home. This is very crucial, as our loved ones that have crossed over should be looked after before anything else. If our loved ones that have crossed are happy and looked after, then things are sure to run a lot smoother in our home.

Some of the things my ancestors do for me is, as I say, make things run more smoother. For example, they will work along side my lady, Tonantzin Of Guadalupe in calming down frustrated Earthbound spirits that enter my house. They, along with my indigenous lady, will also help those who wish to cross over properly, do so. This takes a lot of the work of me and stops a lot of Earthbound souls from pestering me. Someone recently asked me if I help any of the Earthbounds on reciving their images through I.T.C? Well, yes I do however, my spirit guides, ancestors and Deities at the Boveda do a lot of the work in this area for me now. It does not stop there, when I need time out from the spirits or sleeping, they help me here as well. This was not always the case and in fact when I first started out doing I.T.C. Word got around in the spirit world that they could use I.T.C through me to reach many. At that time a lot of spirits would not leave me alone. It was effecting my private life, relationships with others, my sleep and more. So the Boveda is very much one of the answers to this past problem.

Often on Boveda's you will find white flowers, no other colour flowers should be used, only white. However, if you look at the picture of my Boveda at the bottom of the blog, you will see that I don't have any white flowers, instead a indoor plant. On talking with my ancestors. They are more than happy to have that plant there, many loved the garden.

You will so notice in the picture that there is three glasses of water down each side in a row. These small glasses ether represent different spirit guides or different loved ones who have passed. The larger glass in the middle represents the powers that be and the water within that glass is made holy. The water within that glass is pure spring water. Where as the water in the smaller glass is tap water. Within the glass in the middle sits a crucifix. Some people put a large crucifix in the water, where as I have one hanging from a rosary in the water.

Within this tradition that I practice, a lot of Catholic symbolism can be seen at face value. However, don't be so sure, a lot of the saints that can be seen represent old Gods and Deities. You will also find that a lot of the Saints are not even recognised by the Catholic Church. They are considered Folk Saints related to different traditions of Folk Magick. If you look at the picture here, most people without the knowledge would connect Our Lady Of Guadalupe with Mary, mother of Iesus. However, in my knowledge, Our Lady Of Guadalupe is in fact Tonantzin, the Aztec Goddess. This is also why I went out of my way to find a darker skinned statue. Within the symbolism of this very statue as you see it in the picture. Can be found, the cresent Moon at her feet, the Sun radiating around her, the Stars and Constellations on her clothing. Also the image of the Womb/Vagina of the Great Goddess in the shape, this is hidden. The rosary that is to be seen here is one that I got on my trip to the Philippines just recently. It does not serve the purpose of that which you would find a Catholic using it for. In fact I have consecrated it and then charged it as a very powerful talisman. Over time this will receive a lot of healing powers from my ancestors and my indigenous lady herself. The statue of the Great Lady has also been consecrated and charged with the essence of the spirit of Tonantzin through invocation, making her a living statue.

The main glass in the middle and the smaller glasses are changed once a week or when the water go's cloudly. The larger glass to the side I change every morning to give my ancestors freash drinking water. At the front of the Boveda is another glass with a white candle. This candle should always be white, and when lit, shines the way for my ancestors. There is also another white candle in a glass at the back for my Aztec Goddess. There is also found on my Boveda a cup of coffee in which I give each morning to wake up my ancestors, which is part of tradition. At the back is another Deity of Buddha in meditation, right hand raised meaning protection.

 Also at the back of my Boveda is the ashes of one of my Dogs that crossed over last year "Skye". If you have the ashes of your pets and/or loved ones, they should also go here, plus photo's, things that had value to them while in this physical realm.

You could also say that the Boveda is like a mini cemetery in honour of your loved ones. And if your loved ones cemetery is miles away or the otherside of town, then this might be ideal for you.

Another thing I do is give my ancestors gifts. If you look at the photo you will see some beads I made. There are four sets of nine beads. 9 is the number that represents death, the Saturnian energies, my date of birth and a few of my Patron Deities, example : La Santisima Meurte, Azazel, just to name some.

I also burn Rose incense a lot because a few of my ancestors loved working in the garden and roses. It's not the only incense I burn here, but it is a main one.

In regards to the small glasses in a row. There is a few different pattens that represents different things. They give a message to your ancestors what you also would like them to do for you in symbolic form. I do not know all the pattens, but I do know that the one I have the glasses in, here in this photo means protection. As this is how I mostly place them, protection is a big deal in my house. There is another patten for the glasses where they are in the shape of an arrow pointing out or inwards im not sure. Which represents defence in the case of spiritual attack.

I also use a little bowl on the Boveda for placing money in it from time to time. After a while when it builds up, I will go and get something for ether my ancestors or Tonantzin Of Guadalupe. As once the money go's on the Boveda, it is their money, not mine.

To the right of the Boveda, towards the back is a little black bottle of perfume. Each moring on waking and before I do anything else. I will tap three times near the Boveda to let my ancestors know I am there. I will light the candles and incense. I will make them the hot coffee, I will then ask them to remove any negative energies in my aura and to clean it. To do this I take the bottle of perfume and put some in my palms and rub my hands together. I then run my hands all over my body visualizing my aura getting clensed. I then flick my fingers towards the Boveda to release the removed energy over to my ancestors and the healing Goddess of Guadalupe. I then thank them for clearing my aura before I start the day, I do this same ritual at night before turning in. Then I take some rose oil and anoint the top of the head and clothing of the Great Goddess Of Guadalupe and also my forhead/third eye as a symbol of our connection with each other. I then say a prayer to the wonderful lady. I then say one of many ancestor prayers I have in my Book Of Shadows, some very Necromantic. After this I will make breakfast and sit down and have it near the Boveda. While talking to them as I would anyone else having a meal with me. One of the most important things is to include your ancestors in your daily life as you would any friend or family member in the physical. Lastly I will do a one card Tarot reading to see what they may wish to let me know, for the day. At night is when I will do a meditation before the Boveda and often get lots of information.

So I hope this has helped explain the Boveda in a bit more detail. Please also see my other blog on this same subject for more information, thank you.

Thanks for showing an interest in my work with the spirit world and it's practices.

Copyright - Orion Silverstar 191 - 2019.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Amparo With Azazel


Originally this blog was posted in two parts a few weeks apart within a Magickal online community. I have decided to post both parts of this blog in one.

The word Amparo is a Portuguese and Spanish world which means refuge or shelter.

You may or may not be aware that one of the Deities I honour and devote my time and Magick to is La Santisima Meurte, in her Nina Negra aspect, which is Santisima Meurte's black aspect.

When working with Nina Negra and due to the fact that Santisima Meurte is death herself and has power and authority over the underworld and the dead. Her energies are very potent indeed and can take a toll on you after sometime. For those who practice Necromancy as I myself do, will know what i'm talking about.

I used to practice the Hermetic Golden Dawn for many years and often used the Lesser/Greater Ritual Of The Pentagram/Hexagram (Banishing) to remove energies that stayed around to long or built up over time. The building up of energies over time happen often in places where rituals or Magick are performed on a regular bases. However, in my practices of Necromancy I found these rituals unrelated to this type of occult workings.

I tried other methods of removing this energy build up and other rituals geared towards their removal, without being satisfied in any of them. I needed a formula for dealing with the left over energies of death itself and the residue left over from working with the dead and Nina Negra.

Not that Santisima Meurte is a bad spirit to have in your life, far from it. There just needs to be a balance of energies over time, that's all. And if you are not working that much with other aspects of Santisima Meurte, this balance is well needed.

Not many people know about this when working with the bone lady for the first time. They rush right in to working with her darkside/nightside.

Other websites in relation to Santa Muerte and her nightside may talk about "The Amparo". As this is often known amongst Santisima Meurte devotee's.

However, you may have never heard of this at all. The Amparo they often talk about is a way of balancing out the energies of working with Nina Negra, as I have already mentioned. This is often done by incorporating elements of Catholicism into their workings. As is to be found in a lot of Afro-Hispanic Magickal religions, and the western tradition for that matter. Ancient Grimoires are one good example, Demonology another. The Amparo that is most likely  advised will be that of Saint Michael, on the altar with Santisima Meurte. I have read that Santisima Meurte excepts Saint Michael on the altar with her. Why Saint Michael is the choice as Amparo is due to his warrior qualities of protection.

 If you feel comfortable with incorporating Catholicism into your rituals with Santisima Meurte, by all means do so. In this blog i'm offering an alternative to this, one in which you will not find else where.

Maybe it is because after all,  Santisima Meurte does have the word "Saint" in her name. That at one point Santisima Meurte was considered as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church. These days she is seen as a Folk Saint along with many others like, Saint Cyprian patron saint of Necromancy, just to name one.

I don't know about you, but I am uncomfortable with having Saint Michael on my altar in Necromantic, devotional and spell workings with Santisima Meurte. Other Folk Saints I will work with in ritual, however not those directly connected to the Christian religion.

I never could agree with the idea that Michael is a saint. In my opion Angels/Celestial beings that have been around from the beginning of time can not be labeled saints. They were never physical human beings now in spirit that done the Great Work on Earth. What gives the Church the right to label a spiritual being that does not even belong to any limitations of man made world religions.

What I have failed to see at a lot of very good Santisima Meurte websites and Magickal Orders. Is that they fail to mention that really any warrior Deity you feel comfortable with or have a direct connection to, maybe used. So if you don't feel comfortable with Azazel/Baphomet, find one you are comfortable with.

This is where Azazel comes into the picture for me.

Without going into to much detail here, I will save that for another blog. In the first book of Enoch it talks about Azazel coming to Earth to teach humans how to hunt and make weapons of protection. This to me then puts Azazel in the category of been a warrior God.

Recently I wrote a piece of writing about how Baphomet, another Deity I honour, told me of the connection the name Baphomet and Azazel have with each other. That they in fact are one and the same Deity. Baphomet showed me this in great detail, how the two names are related. Something not given to any other human on this Earth before, till now. To find out how Baphomet showed me this, please checkout my other blog about this thanks.

On top of all this, I recently was told by Santisima Meurte, Nina Negra herself that she was happy to have Baphomet placed on her altar with her. This came about after spending hours in prayer, meditation and fasting at her altar. I later found out, not long after this that Nina Negra has a deep connection with the Saturnian current as does Azazel/Zazel. This was a derect message from them, as the timing could not have been better.

So here is the Amparo with Azazel that I myself have written with their guidance :

To make an Amparo with Azazel, get two blank cards and draw the Sigil Of Azazel on each one in your own blood. Now once the blood dries put the two cards together with the Azazel sigils in blood facing inwards together. Tape the two cards together leaving an opening at the top, so that it becomes like a little pocket. Then go before your statue of Baphomet and say a prayer, Incantation and Invocation to Baphomet. I will leave it upto you as to what you may say, as your own words are often the best. However, make it related to the work you are doing. It does not have to be anything long or complicated, something simple will do. Ask Baphomet to clear away unwanted residue of the death current while working with Nina Negra.

I often chant "Salve Baphomet" over and over out loud first till I feel the presence of Baphomet come over me. While doing this, write your name on a small piece of brown paper and place it within the card pocket. Then place some of your hair, nail clippings within the card pocket. Then blow some cigarette smoke into the pocket and after swirling some rum around in your mouth, dripple a few drops into the pocket. Seal up the card pocket at the top, closing it off completely. Then splash a few drops of straight rum on the back and front of the pocket. Then put it between your hands and pray to Baphomet over it. Try to make the prayer different to the previous one.

Offer Baphomet some cigarette smoke by blowing on the Baphomet statue and spray rum from your mouth over the statue, plus leave some rum in a small glass at the statue. Place the rest of the the cigarette to burn down in front of the statue of Baphomet.

Place the pocket under your statue of Baphomet and as long as it is there, Baphomet will remove any remaining built up energies while working with Nina Negra.

Thank Baphomet for attending your ritual and other spirits that maybe present. Ask them to return to their humble abode in peace, then close the ceremony with "So Mote It Be" or "Amen".

(A lot of people think Amen is a Christian word because it is used in Christianity. However, it's origans are to be found in Egyptian prayers and the word is connected to Amun/Amen-Ra.

Keep this pocket charm so no one else can touch it. Bring it out every now and then and pray over it once more as before. This is so that it remains charged.

Ampro With Azazel - Part 2

The method here is done the same way as part 1, only this post is for those that do not have a statue of Baphomet. Another thing that is different about part 2, is that I include a prayer to Azazel. Also that you will be working with the Sigil Of Azazel, rather than the statue of Baphomet. If  you do have the statue of Baphomet, you most certainly can use this method with your statue by placing it in the center of the Sigil Of Azazel.

Now some people have questioned my motives for placing Baphomet and Azazel under one banner. The people that have done so only read this blog and not the blog where I explain how Baphomet directly showed me this and explained it to me. Some have questioned if I really have had a direct communication. I just wish to say that just because you may not have had the experiences I have and still do, does not mean what I say is not fact. Those that have followed my Facebook page over the years will know by the evidence I present. I in fact do have a very strong connection with spirits and that they have my full respect. As I am a deeply spiritual person and it impacts every part of my life.

Having said that, lets begin.

Instead of placing the pocket underneath the statue of Baphomet, it is placed upon the Sigil Of Azazel.

Instead of spraying alcohol from your mouth onto the statue, it is sprayed upon the Sigil  Of Azazel.

Instead of placing tge offerings to Azazel at the feet of the Bophomet statue, they are placed in the Azazel Sigil.

I think you now get the idea.

I would suggest that you use the Sigil Of Azazel rather than the Sigil Of Baphomet. Even though I have explained in another blog how Baphomet and Azazel are one and the same.

The reason I say this is because this ritual is called "The Amparo With Azazel" and the Sigil Of Azazel's connection with the Saturnian current and indeed La Seńora Negra.

I also will mention that both the rituals in Part 1 and Part 2 are best performed on a Saturday, in the first hour of Saturn, which will be somewhere after 12am Saturday  morning.

Ritual :

Dedicate 6 black candles to Azazel and anoint them with oil especially for Azazel.

Draw apon the ground the Sigil Of Azazel in dedicated chalk as you see in this picture in this blog. When I say dedicated chalk, I mean chalk that has been purified from all other energies and then prayed over to Azazel, plus chants to Azazel.

Everything you use has to be dedicated to the Deity/Spirit you are wishing to attract or working with. This is very important in any working, even the simplest things like a quill or a pen used to write Sigils should be set aside and only used for that Deity/Spirit invoked or evoked. Do this and you can't go wrong and the spirits will see that you are serious in your workings.

Place 6 black candles on the 6 circles of the Sigil Of Azazel. Also have one dedicated red candle placed in the middle of the Sigil Of Azazel. Light the black candles in an anticlockwise direction and then light the red candle in the middle.

This now represents your statue of Baphomet/Azazel.

The Prayer To Azazel :

Te Adoro Te Invoco Et Peto Azazel Magister Meus !!

It is you whom I adore, you whom I love, you whom I follow O Earth fallen star. Bright son of the deep. The eternal flame from the unseen fire. O Pentagrammaton. My master, my love. The inner most being of my soul !! I beseech you, O holy one, to lead me in my work and to keep me on the path that leads to your inseparable unity.

So Manseritis In Me Et Verba Mea In Vobis Mansertint Quodcumque Volueritis Petetis Et Fiet Vobis !!

And truly I want to purify myself and keep in your word.

Asparges Me Domine Hysopo Et Mundador Lavabis Me Et Super November Dealbabador Miserere Miserere Domine !!

The "Prayer To Azazel" is from the book called "Fosforos" by Johannes Nefastos. Weblink :

Except where mentioned, copyright Orion Silverstar 191 - 2019.

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

My Unexplained Experience - Strange Bright Object


As those that read my blogs know. I like to share my thoughts, ideas and experiences on things esoteric and paranormal, here at my blog.

This blog is no different as it relates to an experience I had back in November 2018, over my house in Melbourne, Australia, that has still left me without answers.

It was just another night where I had finished a dedication ritual to the dead at my outdoor shrine, with offerings, prayers and thanks. I happened to look over toward the west and saw nothing that unusual. The sky was mostly clear, all but a few clouds around and there was many bright stars to be seen. On looking, I noticed one star in particular that seemed to be extra bright in the western sky. My first thought was a planet, as there was a few around at this time in the night, which was 10:30pm. I went on with what I was doing, however something told me to look once more in that same direction.  This time what I thought was a bright star or Planet was not to be seen where I last saw it. I thought maybe it just went behind a cloud and waited for my eyes to adjust, but on doing so there was no clouds to be seen there. What ever the bright light was, it now had got my full attention. So I now walked out onto my lawn in the middle of my backyard to look for the bright light in the night sky. After a little while I found it once more, to my surprise it was moving slowly towards me, getting closer and closer all the time.

I went inside quickly and grappled the nearest camera to me that I could find, my smartphone.

On going back outside, into my backyard, I half expected the object to be long gone. But no, it was almost right over the top of me and shining very bright. To the point where I thought I would have to go and get some sunglasses to wear. There was no sound or flashing lights of red and white, that are stranded on all aircraft around the world. It also seemed to be changing colour from time to time, green and then to maybe blue, it was very hard to tell due to the brightness.

So I started filming this object through my smartphone and on zooming in close, could see that at times it was the shape of squares and other times it looked like it had a bright round centre. It also seemed to me to have a misty, cloudy substance around it, I really did not know what I was looking at. Another thing I noticed was that there were sudden small bursts of light a short distance from the object around it and higher up above it. However, this could not be seen in the still shots I look that you see here.

I had ruled out planes, as I explained why above. I had ruled out a lantern, as what I was looking at did not fit that description. I had ruled out a satellite, as I’ve always been a star gazer, with an interest in Astronomy and Astrology. No, this was to low to be a satellite and was not moving all that fast above me in the night sky.

I was no stranger to seeing, even filming what I would call U.F.Os of the disk shaped and triangle shaped kind. Those familiar with my other work will recall that I have even received images of disk shaped U.F.Os. Also what would be described as Alien “Grey’s” through Instrumental Trans-Dimensional Communication (I.T.C). To learn more about I.T.C, please see some of my other blogs on this subject.

I will now let the still shot photo’s do the rest of the talking.

©️Orion Silverstar 191 - 2019