Friday, 29 May 2020

The Seed Of A Woman

☀️Firstly : Below are some photos of the Suns journey through the constellations in a year, so you can use this to help understand and follow along with what I’m talking about through this writing.

Greetings :

I know that lately I have been writing a lot of blogs in relation to the books collectively called the Bible, and this blog is another. But it is my wish to bring true enlightenment, the same as which I myself have received. To share it here with those that are interested in reading what I have to write, to those that are reading this and are regular readers of my blogs, thank you.

As I have pointed out in a few of my most recent blogs on the subject of the Bible. Things are not as they appear to be and there are often deeper meanings to some of the stories found within. The deeper meanings are often highly esoteric in nature, as I will again show in this blog. As I have mentioned before, people misunderstand what these books that make up the Bible are really all about or they simply refuse to read it, thinking there is no knowledge to be found in its pages.

This is because of religion that claim these very books belong to them and their teachings that have been very heavily ingrained into our modern culture.

A long time ago, the founders of the religions I talk about, tried very hard to cover up the true origins of these books. This was done by burning many, many books, books written about our true history, books to help us in our path of life. Books to help us all grow in knowledge/wisdom and understanding, books about Spiritual and esoteric knowledge past down from ancient cultures and their people’s to us in order for us to evolve.

The founders of these religions aggressively murdered anyone that continued in their esoteric studies or practices. Destroying their most sacred temples and shrines by putting theirs in its place and wiping their cultures off the face of the Earth. Those of these ancient cultures that weren’t murdered in the most brutal way, were forced to be converted to a new religion against their wishes. A Male dominated religion, under a Male dominated God.

I have had some people who are followers of these religions say to me “that was a long time ago, it’s time to move on and forget“. The thing is with that, these same religions today, in this modern age continue to hide the truth from the public and its followers, also keeping many secret books under lock and key. I ask, if they were honest Holy people, why do this? What have they got to hide? It’s their credibility they are protecting. These days they are making a lot of money out of those that give them support and those that are followers. If the truth was to fully come out in the open, their followers would leave in the masses.

Also just to add insult to the ancient civilisations and their teachings. The founders of these religions took some of their esoteric knowledge and added it to their own religion. However, they twisted it in their teachings for their own benefit and agendas.

Then over time, through many generations of people being brought up in these religions, the real truth was never told in regards to the books collectively called the Bible. Now we come to these modern times and these religions continue to keep their followers in the dark, in regards to a lot of the meanings within the Bible.

However, if someone is guided by Spirits who seek to show you the truth, for true enlightenment. That they also read up on ancient history, as far as what little truth can be found. Also look at different verses in the Bible through different eyes, seeing the stories within, in a symbolic way. Then some of the unchanged, unaltered truth that can be found there, may start to show through for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to the truth, Ishtar, the Queen Of Heaven and Earth.

So in this blog I wish to show you what I already know, much like my most recent blogs. I know there are some people who will flat out refuse to except this blog. That’s totally upto you, as I’m not here to preach or convert anyone, I will leave that job to the religions in which I mention. However, when it comes to those religions, they do not have the answers, it’s the blind leading the blind. When the verse in the Bible claiming to be the words of Jesus said “The God Of This World has blinded the eyes of the non believer” it was talking directly to the followers of these very religions I talk about, that we’re very much around in those days. Let’s face it, to have your whole believe system come crushing down around you, is very traumatic in deed. That’s why many people go on being religious and follow traditions, staying in there comfort zones. True enlightenment comes at a big cost, something a lot of people are not ready to face. These religions are the enemy of the whole of humanity and many can not see this, like a virus. It’s high time to take back from them, that which they have stolen and yet claimed was their own.

Let’s start with a look at Genesis 3:15

And I will put Enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

In this verse, the impression given is that God is talking to the Serpent in the Garden Of Eden. The identification of the seed of the woman is none other than that of Jesus, the Son of the Virgin Mother. The other seed in this story/verse is the off spring/bloodline of Eve. The second woman mentioned within this verse is the Virgin Mother of Jesus herself, Mary. So therefore the promised seed is of Jesus (the Messiah-Anointed One). So there is in fact two seeds explained here in this verse. One being the off spring of Eve and the other being of Jesus the Son, through the Virgin Mary. The bruised head is that of the Serpent and the bruised heel is that of Jesus (the Son of Mary).

How many people have believed that this verse about the Serpent is talking about a being called “Satan”? This is not the case, let me continue and hopefully you will see?

Stay with me, as we now look at Isaiah 7:14

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a SIGN. The Virgin will conceive and bare a Son and shall call his name Emmanuel (God with us).

Let’s now read Genesis 1:14

And God said let there now be LIGHTS in the firmament of the heaven, to divide the day from the night. Let them be for SIGNS, for seasons, for days and years.

Isaiah 7:14 is talking about signs in the heavens that will reveal the Virgin Mother conceiving a Son (Jesus). This sign in the heavens talked about here, is coming from the stars or you could say, constellations. As Genesis 1:14 said that the lights (stars-constellations) are for signs.

Now let’s take a look at those lights in the heavens, the constellations, the signs.

The birth of the Sun at the Spring Equinox, as the Sun moves out of the Underworld in Winter and “Springs” to life. Bringing new growth and new life to all plants once more, as it heads towards the Summer Solstice (Christ-Mass). As the Child grows (the Sun) it gets stronger and gives more heat from its light rays.

At this very same time around September, the path of the Sun travels just under the constellation of Serpens (the Serpent) and enters into the constellation of Virgo (the Virgin). Then the Sun moves out of the constellation of Virgo (the Virgin birth) as the months start to get much warmer. The Sun after being born from the constellation of Virgo the Virgin, grows from a child into an adult and with this, great strength and power. The strength and power are in the rays of the Sun, which burns up the constellation of Serpens (the Serpent), so to speak (crushing the head of the Serpent). While the constellation of Serpens (the Serpent) is hot on the heels of both the Sun (Jesus/Horus) and the constellation of Virgo (the Virgin Mother).

I truly hope that you are starting to get the picture by now, these verses/stories within the Bible are explaining events that happen each year. As our Solar Sun moves through the constellations in the night sky (heavens). Going from the Spring Equinox to the Summer Solstice. This is just one of the many examples of what the “Signs“ from the “Lights Of Heaven” mentioned in the Bible are all about. That is why I also believe the 12 Sun Signs of the Zodiac were named “Sun SIGNS”.

The ancient civilisations knew all this and were very advanced in the occult mysteries/sciences. The signs in the heavens through the Sun, Moon, Planets, constellations, Zodiac, Astrology, Astronomy in general played a very big part in their lives.

Not only this but the phrase “The Seed Of The Woman” mentioned in Genesis 3:15, relates to all forms of fertility, human, animals and plant life. It can be explained as the new growth of plants shooting forth from a seed out of the Earth Mother (Gaia/Sophia/Woman) from Spring through to Summer.

These very sciences have a deep connection to our minds and brain also, psychology and psychiatry, I will talk about this further in coming blogs. But I have already touched on this in some of my more recent blogs. When we try to understand more about how the mind and brain work, we will also start to learn how the universe and universal mind (Divine Source) works. The same as if we study and learn about our universe as much as we can, we will start to know more of how the our brain works. Remember...As Above/So Below. Please see my blogs “The Master Mind Driving Creation” and “Made In Gods Image - Images Of The Mind” for more info thanks.

So hopefully you, the reader, can see that the verses in the book of Genesis, from what is called, the Bible, about creation, has nothing what so ever to do with a being called Satan or Devil as these religions try to sell you 👁‍🗨.

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog. If you found it interesting, please share with others thanks.

©️Orion Silverstar 191 - 2020. (except photos)

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Made In Gods Image - Images Of The Mind


Then the Elohim said, “Let US make man in OUR image, after our likeness” - Genesis 1 : 26.

What does it mean in the Bible, when the Elohim (meaning Male/Female Divine Source) say, we as humans are made in their image?

I will be using the words “Divine Source” through this writing, because if I use the word God only, then I am basically saying God is all Male and if I use the world Goddess only, then I am basically saying all Female. I could say God and Goddess, however I prefer to say “Divine Source” to represent the Source of the all, even though “Elohim” implies Female/Male and the Bible verse clearly states, Us and Our.

What most people think, including the teachings of the Church, is that physically we look like the Divine Source. Meaning, our physical bodies are similar in looks to that of the Divine Source.

This is not truth, but error.

Using the principal, As Above/So Below - As Without/As Within - Macrocosm/Microcosm, we see what it really means.

Meaning what is within us is related to what is outside of us.

If you understand your mind and learn all about it, then you will understand what the Divine Source is also. If you try and understand your brain and the way it works, then you will begin to understand what the universe we are in is and how it works.

Some people say that we are Gods or can become living Gods.

To the thought forms we have created in our minds, in our brain, to them we are God. Due to the universe being the brain of the Divine Source, just like our very own brain being a universe in itself. The thoughts and it’s forms are what we create in our universe, our brain. So that which the Master Mind/Divine Source creates in the universe, which we are a part of, we call this Master Mind, God or in this case Divine Source.

In our world we feel real right? Because we have experiences, feelings, emotions, sensations and so on. In the same way, what we create in our brains as a thought must be real. Our thoughts also bring with them feelings of emotion, sensations and so on.

All of this is what it means to be made in the image of the Divine Source/Master Mind.

So in other words, what we are, in what we call physical form and that which is around us. Are in fact the thoughts of the Divine Source, in formation, within the universe, the Divine Sources brain.

When we have a thought with our mind and see it’s picture in our brain, it seems a very short time before we go on to another thought. However, to the thought form within our brain, it remains there for a very long time. When the Divine Source formed humans, meaning physical living bodies, it seems like we have been on this Earth for millions of years. Yet to the Divine Source, humans have been formed/created for only a very short time.

An interesting side note, is that those that go through Alien abduction claim to be gone for hours and yet on returning, only 5 mins has gone by. The same can be said with those that have had near death experiences. To them it feels like hours have gone by, but on being revived, only 2 mins at the most has gone past.

The Divine Source creates a thought form, us, this thought form “us” is left to run it’s course. This is the same with all the problems on what we call planet Earth. They are not created through “Fallen Angels”, “Demons” or whatever, as the Church teachings will tell you. But through our own thought forms we create and allow to continue to roam wherever. Instead of creating positive thought forms, we create negative thought forms. Which manifest physically in ways that bring about lots of problems for us here in what we call the physical world. Then we watch things like the media that use techniques to influence our brains so that we have a reaction in a negative way, creating more negative thought forms from what we are watching/listening too.

If you can’t go without entertainment, movies, being on the internet, sport, retail/shopping, news/media, obsessive thoughts to do with your physical world and the world around you and other addictions/worries related to such. Also find it very hard to still your mind and focus, meditate, concentrate in silence, go within yourself and connect with your mind for not even half hour at the lest. Then you do not know yourself or the Divine Source and are very separated from such. The very reason so much advertising, media, entertainment is pushed in our faces these days. Is because it is used as a tool and a stumbling block to stop you using the powers of your mind, personal power and truely connecting with the Great Divine Source of all or even those in the afterlife. The world Governments and Church organisations do not want you to look within yourself and seriously think for yourself. They want you to listen to them or to turn to them when in need, rather than the true Divine Powers. The greatest threat to them is your mind, thinking for yourself and discovering the true Divine Source. They wish to influence and control your mind and if they can’t, at lest distract it from its main purpose. They don’t want you to be awakened or enlightened, for then you may see through their great deception. If you don’t think what I talk about is important or read it but do nothing about it. Then you are separated from the true Spiritual and more than likely have not experienced what I am talking about or fully understand it.

When you come to understand your mind and how it works. Then you come to understand and know yourself. Because your mind is from the Spirit and the Spirit is your true self.

The mind and brain are two different things. The brain is on the physical and the mind is on the Spiritual. However the physical is a reflection of the Spiritual. The Spiritual will always influence the physical. Just like the mind will always influence the brain. If you come to truely know yourself, then you can make changes to the thought form patterns created within your brain.

Photo : Hubble Telescope - Helix Nebula (Eye Of God).

©️Orion Silverstar 191 - 2020.

Friday, 1 May 2020

191 - The Meaning Behind The Number Of The Name

Greetings :

Some people recently have asked me what the 191 meaning is within my Magickal name Orion Silverstar. Well firstly, I did not just decide to use this number for the sake of it. As an Occultist, I can assure you that all the symbolism, names, numbers I use have an esoteric meaning to me personally. With that, personal power and a connection to the Spiritual beings and Spirits I work with and communicate with on a daily basis.

The two outer 1s in the number represent the Left and Right Pillars of the Kabbalah or the Left and Right Crucifixes in the Crucifixion of Jesus, and the 9 represents the Middle Pillar of the Kabbalah. Jesus, represented by the Sun on the Crucifix stands for the Middle Pillar, the path of Initiation, Life, Death and Rebirth.

The number 9 also represents Saturn, represented by the Sun as there is 9 squares within the Magick square of Saturn and where the Seal Of Saturn comes from, among other things. The Crucifix itself, is symbolic for Saturn and when folded up forms the perfect Cube Of Saturn. The Middle Pillar is the path of Saturn, as the Sun as it travels from the sphere of Kether, the Crown/Divine Master Mind. From there Saturn travels through the sphere of Daath, the Midnight/Black Sun, then to the sphere of Tiphareth, the Midday Sun, then to the sphere Yesod, the Moon to the sphere Malkuth, the Earth. The Crown sphere, Kether and the sphere of the Midday Sun, Tiphareth are related to the Dayside, Above World, Male. While the sphere of the Black/Midnight Sun, Daath and the sphere of the Moon, Yesod are related to the Nightside, Underworld, Female, Womb.

The travels of Saturn are on the Middle Pillar because Saturn is in relation to the Sun. Which is both the Black Sun, Nightside and the White Sun, Dayside. The Lord Saturn has nothing to do with the planet of the same name, in fact all the planets in the Solar System are names after Solar Deities. The planet Saturn is only Saturn by name, in honour of the Solar Deity Saturn, which I detail more in another blog of mine.

On the Middle Pillar are 5 spheres and they are :

1. Malkuth - Earth
2. Yesod - Moon
3. Tiphareth - Light/Midday Sun
4. Daath - Darkness/Black Sun
5. Kether - Divine Source

On the Kabbalah itself, there are 10 spheres or 9 steps from Kether to Yesod before the finial manifestation of Malkuth/Earth, the 10th.

If you add the numbers 1+9+1 together you get the number 11. This is how many spheres there are on the Qilphoth, Underworld, Womb, which is reached through the Black Sun, Daath. The place where all is born and where all that is created gives birth once more (Resurrection/Born Again/Initiation). The Kabbalah is the outward expression or you could say, manifestation or face of the Qilphoth.

The number 11 also relates to the month I was born into a physical body as a Spirit, that being November, with the Sun Sign of Scorpio. The number 9 also relates to the day I was born. The exact time I was born was 3pm in the afternoon, the time of Jesus/Horus Crucifixion and journey into the Qilphoth, Underworld. At the time of Jesus/Horus death, was the time of my birth.

To see more of my understandings and research into the Qilphoth, please see my other blog called “The Qilphoth - New Correspondences” thanks. I would also suggest that you do your own research on the Kabbalah and Qilphoth.

As there are 11 spheres or worlds on the Qilphoth, each of these spheres are ruled by Spiritual beings. The Spiritual beings I connect to these 11 spheres are as follows. These Spiritual beings are in the Palo Mayombe pantheon and copied from my other blog.

1. Zarabana - Divine messages of the underworld

2. El Christo Negro - Lord & King of the underworld

3. Los Uspiritus Intranquilos (The Seven Tranquil Spirits) - Maybe each of these spirits relate to the seven days of the week and the seven main planets? Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun and Moon.

4. Santa Muerte - Goddess of the cemeteries & death

5. San Simon - The keeper of Law & Divine justice

6. El Christo Rey - The lord of this world

7. Madre De La Luna - Great Mother of the Moon

8. Madre De Agua - Goddess of secrets, Love, Money

9. La Santa Piedra Iman - Money & Wealth

10. Fransisco De Los Siete Rayos (Of The Seven Rays) - God of Weather

11. Mama Chola - Goddess of Love & Fertility.

Thanks for showing an interest in this blog, please share with others.

©️Orion Silverstar 191 - 2020.