Tuesday, 10 March 2020

The Seven Scenarios


As the Coronavirus that is effecting the world right now grows worse by the day. I decided to do a write up on some scenarios that have come to my mind lately of how the final result could play out. Each one of them is not a positive outcome for this physical world we are in and I hope I am wrong. So if you are looking for a positive message from me here, this is not it.

1. Certain countries defence forces start to become weakened due to infection and isolation. While this is taking place, another country decides to take complete advantage of this and uses it as an opportunity to attack that country. From there another country who are allies of the attacked country steps in to help defend the attacked country from their aggressor. Finally many countries become involved, eventually leading to a worldwide nuclear war.

2. Due to the spread of the infection worldwide, every country becomes quarantined and every single person and families isolated in their home indefinitely. This then means that people will need to find a job that involves working from home. They will have to do shopping, banking, working and more through the internet and things like food will be delivered by drones. In regards to interacting with friends, other family members, business partners, doctors and so on. This will now have to be also done online for many years to come. Due to how bad the virus is outside, all around the world, total isolation of everyone worldwide for many, many years.

3. Due to the Dow continuing to drop, bringing about a total shut down of most, if not all industries worldwide. The blanket of pollution that has been covering the whole Earth, keeping the global temperature down, however causing global warming at the same time disappears. This causes the global temperature to take a sharp rise. Bringing the whole of extinction of the human race into play by at the latest, November of this year.

4. Because of the total worldwide collapse of the economy, humans have to go back to a traditional economy. This would mean that after all water, food supply, power, gas and so forth are cut off and panic starts to settle. The time would come for living in this world to be a matter of survival for all individually. Groups of people would gather as communities to start farming by growing and selling fruits and vegetables through a bartering system. People around the world will have to learn about gardening, agriculture, fishing, hunting and gathering to survive. It would serve to fulfill the very basic of our fundamental needs to live on this planet. Medical needs and health care would suffer dramatically, learning about natural remedies through plants and herbs would become a must. These pockets of groups would have an appointed leader or elder and start to become more tribal in nature. The washing of clothes and yourself would be in fresh water rivers and this would also provide drinking water. After a short while our clothes we have will ware out and will be replaced by coverings made from the environment near and around us.

5. That the virus ends just as quickly as it started and we start to go about our daily business once more. However, the worlds Governments say to us that in order for a virus to be detected next time, so that this never happens again and to stop it quickly spreading. There has to be a more intense monitoring and surveillance system world wide of every single human and animal around the world.

6. That only a small percentage of humans are left around the world, due to the virus. That someone will come forward and speak on behalf of those left, they will be the new leader. They will gather everyone together under a New World Order, doing away of all world nations, countries and forming just one. As the whole economy is gone as we knew it, an identification number for all remaining humans will be given, so that they can buy or sell products and get access to all services needed for living on this planet.

7. Total extinction of all humanity on this planet.

©️Orion Silverstar 191 - 2020.  


  1. Wow I really don’t know what to say about it except I believe that this whole virus will bring about severe change and I do think that we will have to provide for ourselves through growing our own food and living off the land. I think we are all in for drastic change that’s for sure. The biggest thing I believe will be water. We all need it to survive. There will someday be water wars and fighting over our most precious commodity clean fresh water as we can’t survive without it
